Why Study in Louisiana Tech University

When arriving on the Tech campus, it does not take one long to see that this is a very special place. From the Lady of the Mist in the Quad, one can glimpse back to a time when the rich tradition of academic excellence was first established by Tech's founders in 1894. Our students take paths that lead them to traditional yet innovative academic programs in engineering, business, science, education, and liberal arts. Some of these paths lead to unique and nationally-recognized programs in nanosystems and cyber engineering, supply chain management, health informatics, and innovative venture research. Here, students engage in signature programs in forestry, agriculture, psychology, aviation, and architecture. Institutional excellence extends from the heart of the Tech campus to its outer most reaches.

At one edge of the campus are outstanding intercollegiate athletics and intramural sports facilities, integrated with campus housing and activities focused on student development and wellness. At another edge are premier research facilities and an Enterprise Campus where companies, faculty, and students partner in discovery, innovation, and practical training.

Our culture of caring and excellence is a very real part of our campus environment and can be felt upon the first interaction with our faculty, staff, or students. Our students are bright, articulate and committed to serving others through engagement in various activities, thus further contributing to their emergence as leaders upon graduation who can impact every sector of society. It's one thing to talk about it, but another entirely to experience it. I invite you to learn more about our institution and to experience the very special place that is Louisiana Tech University.

Louisiana Tech University Mission Statement As a selective-admissions, comprehensive public university, Louisiana Tech is committed to quality in teaching, research, creative activity, public service, and economic development. Louisiana Tech maintains as its highest priority the education and development of its students in a challenging, yet safe and supportive, community of learners. Louisiana Tech provides a technology-rich, interdisciplinary teaching, learning, and research environment to ensure student and faculty success.

Policies are updated on a regular basis and the University reserves the right to change, modify, or supersede any of these policies and procedures with or without notice at any time. The University is committed to keeping the Manual of Policies and Procedures up-to-date. However, because of changing policies, members of the University should consult the online Manual themselves to verify what is current. Although every effort is made to keep current the hardcopy version of the Manual of Policies and Procedures that is available in the documents section of the library, the online version is to be considered the most current and complete version.

The University takes due care to ensure that policies, when issued, are in compliance with then applicable controlling laws, rules, and regulations. However, it is recognized that changes in such laws, rules, and regulations may result in all or a portion of a policy becoming incorrect until necessary revision is made. Please be advised that, in such cases, those portions of policies that are contrary to or in conflict with any controlling law, rule, or regulation are invalid. To the extent that the remainder of a policy is unaffected by a change in controlling laws, rules, or regulations, that remaining portion of the policy will remain valid and in effect. The Manual of Policies and Procedures does not form a part of any employee's contract or appointment with the University.

List Of Courses

  • Accounting
  • Agricultural Business
  • Biology
  • Business Administration
  • Chemistry
  • Engineering
  • Environmental Science
  • Fashion Merchandising and Retail Studies
  • Marketing, General Marketing Concentration
  • Mathematics
  • Nanosystems Engineering