Why Study in SKEMA

SKEMA Business School is a private establishment of higher education and research with the legal status of a non-profit association under the French "1901 law".

SKEMA was founded in 2009 as a result of the merger between the Ecole Superieure de Commerce, Lille and CERAM Business School, Sophia Antipolis. The Lille school had been ​founded in 1892 and CERAM in 1963.

SKEMA is a member of the Conference des Grandes Ecoles. The school was approved by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, as an EESPIG (Private Establishment for Higher Education declared to be of public usefulness). This official status was conferred on 6 July 2015 and declared in the Bulletin Officiel on 23 July 2015.

It is a community devoted to learning and the creation and transmission of management knowledge and practice. Since its inception, SKEMA has become a global school with a multi-campus structure and a large portfolio of programmes taught in English and in French. These range from undergraduate level to continuing education and are aligned with the Bologna higher education norms (Licence, Master, Doctorate).

SKEMA, student enterprises-in addition to student associations-are part of our school's DNA. They allow our students to dive in to ambitious and diverse projects, working as real-world entrepreneurs who manage teams, budgets, and goals and take on responsibilities. This 'learning by doing' model is a hallmark of our students years at SKEMA, and it becomes a highlight of their CVs, their core skills, and their career plans.

List Of Courses

  • Global BBA
  • BBA in International Business
  • Masters of Science
  • MSc Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Design SKEMA X SDS
  • MSc Luxury Hospitality and Innovation SKEMA X Ecole Ferrieres
  • Specialised masters® (MS)
  • PhD in Business Administration
  • DBA in Project and Programme Management
  • Digital DBA
  • Master 2 Research in Management and Innovation
  • Global Executive MBA