Why Study in Delta Medical College

Delta Medical College is fulfilling its cherished desire towards producing human-doctor with high moral values and professional excellence. Since establishment, Delta was never distracted from its core values. The College offers five-year degree of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) and Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS). The course curriculum conforms to the requirements of Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council (BM&DC), which is the registering body for doctors in Bangladesh. The Governing Body of the college is comprised of representatives from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Dhaka University and Trustee Board. By this time four batches of students obtained the MBBS degree and have completed their Internship while the fifth batch is currently undergoing internship. In BDS, fourth-batch of dental students is currently enrolled. Delta Medical College is equipped with modern tools and techniques of teaching that are fundamental for better understanding of the subjects. Teaching staff are the mentors to supervise and guide the students throughout the process. Academic schedule is strictly followed based on academic calendar and there are also different extra-curricular activities. Delta provides a unique character of friendliness with non-partisan and highly academic environment. The college campus is located in Mirpur-1 in Dhaka. The college is housed in its own 10 storied building and the hospital is within the same premises.

A total of 692 students have been admitted to the college so far. Of this figure 117 have qualified as doctors and 56 are undergoing internship. There are currently a total of 572 students who are undergoing academic instruction.

The college library is situated on the 7th floor of adjoining college hospital building and remains open from 8.00 am to 8.30 pm. The library has sufficient number of text and reference books of different disciplines including the latest editions on all major subjects. It receives 75 titles of current journals including two international journals regularly. All the books are duly classified and catalogued using international rules and code. The library is equipped with full time internet facilities with easy access to databases like PubMed, Medline, HINARI, AGORA, OARE etc.

From the commencement of the institution our endeavor was to establish Delta Medical College as a centre of excellence in all aspects. We are very proud that the overall results of different professional examinations of different batches of MBBS and BDS course are remarkable. Some of the achievements are - scoring 4th position in merit list of Dhaka University in MBBS 1st professional examination held in July 2012, including achieving honours marks -three students in Biochemistry and one both in Biochemistry and Anatomy. Two students achieved honours marks in Microbiology in MBBS 2nd professional examination held in July 2014. One student of BDS course scored 10th position in Dhaka University in BDS 2nd Professional Examination held in February 2016. One student of 3rd batch got honours marks in Science of Dental Materials in Dhaka University in BDS 1st Professional Examination held in February 2017.

Delta Medical College Fees Structure

Courses Duration Total Fee 1st year Fee Hostel
MBBS 4 1/2 years + 1 Year Internship Program Approx Rs 31,54,162 / USD 44,000 Approx Rs 10,75,372 / USD 15,000 Included