Why Study in Laurentian University

The university's campus is located on the south side of Lake Ramsey, just south of Greater Sudbury's downtown core in the Bell Grove neighbourhood, near some of the city's wealthiest residential neighbourhoods. The city's Idylwylde golf course borders on the university campus to the west and the Lake Laurentian Conservation Area borders on the campus to the south.[6] The Lake Laurentian Conservation Area contains a vast network of trails used for running, mountain biking and nordic skiing

The university has a federated school structure, similar to that of the University of Toronto. The school also has an unusual and sometimes controversial student government structure - there are two separate student unions (in addition to the part-time and graduate student associations). The Francophone Students Association (AEF) is for francophones, while the Students General Association (SGA) is for both anglophones and francophones. However, any student can affiliate with either union, regardless of language, and because the two unions do not offer identical student services, many students from one language group change their affiliation to the other student union depending on which services they want. Consequently, in practice, the two student unions often compete with each other rather than serving distinct groups.

Six students representing the student body of the Faculty of Management and Laurentian University travelled to Switzerland to participate in the 21st International Workshop. This activity consists of an online business simulation competition and a cultural experience. Students will work in teams with a student from each of the following countries to manage a company: China, Indonesia, Germany, Switzerland and Russia. This will provide our students an exposure to global management and team building within a multicultural setting. Worth mentioning, the Laurentian University team is the sole team representing Canada.

The students are, in order of appearance in the photo from left to right, Sebastian Shushan (representing the BBA/HBCOM program), Patrick Labelle (representing the BAA/BCOM specialise program), Alexie Beaulieu (representing the indigenous students), Sijie Zhang (representing the ZUFE students), Joelle Mavungu (representing international students), and Kristy Walton (representing the SPAD program).

List Of Courses

  • Faculty of Arts
  • Faculty of Education
  • Faculty of Health
  • Faculty of Management
  • Faculty of Science, Engineering and Architecture